Day 1 of 30: From Full-Time Job to Full-Time Entrepreneur

Yesterday was my last day at my full-time job. Today, I am full-time with Jamison Media Services.
I didn't get too emotional yesterday but it doesn't mean I won't miss my co-workers and the customers I served over the years. Like I've said before, my experience working sales in retail is one of the reasons this new business is even possible. I am grateful for my time there.
Today marks a day I've dreamed about for a long time. To say I'm excited is an understatement, but it's time to get to work.
With today being June 1st, I thought it would be fun to chronicle my first 30 days (the entire month of June). I'm doing this mostly for myself to look back on, but I hope you can enjoy it too.
I thought it was fitting that when I finished my last day of work, I immediately went to coach my daughter Abby's first C-League softball game.
The reason I say that is because one of the things that motivated me about working for myself is a more flexible schedule. I had my eye on coaching my daughter's softball team as she got older, just like my dad was able to when I was in baseball.
Although they lost last night, it was a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing how the team improves as the year goes on. Abby went 0-1 with a walk and run.
Probably my favorite part of the evening was the car ride home with Abby discussing her at-bats and the different plays that happened in the game. Good daddy-daughter bonding time.
I will keep today's post short. As I said, it's time to get to work. Today I have a meeting with a client to look over their completed website. I'm excited about the finished product, I hope they are too. I'm also going to practice a lot flying my drone. I've learned it's not as easy as taking it out of the box and flying it. There's a lot to learn. I'll let you know how it goes in tomorrow's blog.