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Day 13 of 30: Town Meeting

Yesterday was our Town Meeting and I, along with other members of the Working on Walnut Committee, spoke to the public about our vision for the future of our town. The Working on Walnut Group has been meeting since March strategically planning for the future and later breaking into subcommittees to focus on different areas to improve Walnut.

Despite the heat, the Town Meeting was well attended with booths, a cookout and activities outside and then the official meeting took place inside to finish the evening. So far, I've heard nothing but good feedback and people are motivated to help where they can.

If you couldn't attend the meeting last night, there are Action Plan pamphlets available at the Village Office starting today. You can also contact a Working on Walnut committee member anytime for more information. If you are passionate about our town, consider getting involved with future projects.

Planning and setting up for the event took up most of my afternoon and evening, but I still got a lot accomplished before that. Today, I will be releasing a video of the Ross Preserve, a public fishing and boating area just outside of town. I'm really happy with the how the footage turned out. Projects like those are really fun to work on.

I also made a lot of progress on a website I'm working on. I have a meeting scheduled Wednesday with the client to go over the progress that has been made. It's always interesting to get feedback on projects you're working on. In my past experience, when the client sees the website for the first time I always enjoy hearing their perspective and the different things they point out so everyone is happy with the final product.

Short blog today. Off to a meeting in Princeton.

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