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Day 20 of 30: Shop Local

I had a meeting yesterday with some great people. Normally, my client meetings usually go about an hour, this one was about three hours! But, it didn't feel that long. We had a really good conversation and agreed to work together on some different projects. We shared a lot of ideas together and I left feeling really good about our meeting.

One of the things we talked about is the importance of shopping local and creating community. I really respected their viewpoints and their desire to spend an extra buck here or there to support a local business owner. I've always had that intent but never fully realized the importance until I got involved with the Chamber of Commerce. Local business owners put their heart and soul into their work. I've seen it firsthand. When you shop local, you are literally helping someone pay for their daughter's dance lessons or son's baseball cleats. You are also keeping the tax money in town, which leads to better roads and improvements to your village.

Which leads me to my business. I have heard a lot of comments about how my timing has been right with this business. Several people have said they were looking into a new website and then when they heard about my business they were thrilled because they could work with someone local. I also heard one comment that they didn't care how much my services cost, because they would rather work with someone local than outsource it to someone that they've never met.

There is value in personal service. If you are a business owner, my question to you would be how can you add that personal touch to your business that people can't get anywhere else. In my client meeting yesterday we talked about this. In addition to your talents, you have to sell the experience as well. That's what I'm striving for everyday with Jamison Media Services.

Today, my schedule is filling up again. It's funny how that happens, which is a great thing. I'm never sitting around wondering what I should be doing. Tonight, another softball game. Abby played great last night with a hit and a good slide at home. Her team won 15-10 for their second win of the year!

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