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Day 30 of 30: Just the Beginning

It's June 30 which means my 30 days straight of blogging has come to an end. It's hard to believe how fast it has went! I really enjoyed posting everyday and I'm glad I did it. To be clear, just because it's day 30, that doesn't mean my blogging is over. You will still be able to follow my journey, because I plan to post a blog 2-4 times a week in the future.

So what did I do my first 30 days of self-employment? Let's take a look back.

On my first day of being self-employed, I crashed my drone! I still remember flying that day and feeling really confident about how I was doing. At that time it was only my second time out flying the drone around. My battery started flashing low on hole 9 at Green River Country Club and I was flying it back so I could head home. The problem was it wasn't high enough and nailed a tree. It had to have fell 100 feet down. The only damage was a broken yaw arm (which holds the camera). The damage was $75. It was a bummer, but could have been worse.

Speaking of the drone, I finished two drone vide projects. Which you can view here and here. I definitely plan on doing more in the future. These past two weeks I've wanted to get out and get some footage, but between rain and wind, the projects have stalled.

Successfully marketed Glow-in-the-Dark Golf Night at Green River Country Club. Not that I did it all by myself but I played a roll in organizing it and the GRCC staff had double the number of golfers that they had hoped for. It was a great night.

Completed two websites, which you can view my blogs breaking down each one here and here. Best part is, both clients are happy with the finished product.

Did a lot of graphic design for various clients and events. My blog on Day 21 talks about how Graphic Design wasn't in my plans but it kind of fell into my lap and now it's something I really look forward to doing. If you want to hire me for Graphic Design, right now I'm just designing posters and social media content for events/clients.

Created and finished 11 video projects for the month. You can view most of my projects at my YouTube channel. The two biggest videos were the Ross Preserve and Visit Green River Country Club. The Country Club one, by far, is the biggest both in length and views. There are 5,000 views of that video on Facebook. That was a three-month project. Read about that here.

I had a lot of meetings. I'm sure I averaged around 1-2 meetings per day for the month of June. I'm not complaining. Meetings are a good thing. It means either I'm meeting with clients for the first time or we are going over projects we are working on. Meetings keep me in business. :)

Personally, I am spending more time with my family. I know I'm not working less. In fact, I'm working more. But, I'm around all the time. I can go to my daughter's softball practice at 1 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon. I can take her to basketball camp and work from the lobby for two hours. I can work when they are sleeping. This is the flexibility I've desired for years.

We visited the zoo on Father's Day. We took Family Pictures. I survived a sleepover with four girls. Life is good right now. Stressful at times owning your own business? Of course. But, it's a good type of stress, if that makes sense.

I don't know what July will bring. I know I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping for a great month. I know I have three websites to complete and I'm going to continue to delivery my best to my clients. But, I'd like to expand out and work with some new clients too. Contact me at or 815-866-9352 for a free consultation. I'd love to chat and show you how I can help.

This is just the beginning. I'm ready for a wild ride.

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