Website Overview: The TurfTank Foundation

I recently wrapped up a new website for The TurfTank Foundation.
Before, I go into detail about the website, let me me first explain what this foundation is.
Their Mission Statement:
The TurfTank Foundation has been created to better the lives of those affected by Muscular Dystrophy by educating, inspiring and empowering. The TurfTank Foundation will work to accept, solicit and disperse contributions gained to organizations to aid in research to help find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy.
Justin "Tank" VanLanduit, founder of the TurfTank Foundation, has FSHD, a form of muscular dystrophy that affects mostly the muscles of the face, shoulder blades and upper arms. Admirably, Tank has used this diagnosis in his life to create the foundation, which strives to better the lives of those suffering with the disorder as well.
There is an option to donate on the site, which you can access by clicking the "Donate Now" button on the top, right-hand side of the site. Any monetary amount helps and is appreciated, whether it's $10, $100, or $1,000. If you prefer not to donate online, there is an offline donation method as well where you can send checks to the Foundation mailing address.
When visiting the site there are four simple actions you can take to help this foundation:

1) Donate.
2) Become educated more about muscular dystrophy. Personally, I learned a lot about the disorder just by working on this site.
3) Share your story. If you suffer from a form of muscular dystrophy, share your story with the foundation.
4) Register for events. In the future, fundraisers will be held to benefit the organization.
I've known Tank and his family for years and it was a pleasure working with him. This was the first site I've built a website without a face-to-face meeting, it was exlusively done through e-mail communication, and I have to say it went extremely smooth. We are both happy with how it turned out!
You can read Tank's story in the "About" section of the site.