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Day 26 of 30: Week Recap

It's hard to believe but five more days and June will be over, which also means the first 30 days of my journey of self-employment will be complete. I will be ending my 30 days of blogging but still plan on putting up a blog 2-4 times a week. Thanks for following along.

It's gone extremely fast, but looking back I've done a lot in that short time and am definitely happy with the progress that has been made. One thing I've come to realize though is that there is a lot to do in very little time.

Yesterday we took family pictures at White Pines State Park. It took about 15 attempts but the picture above was the best group picture we could capture, with everyone looking straight and smiling (for the most part) when the picture was snapped. Being on the other side of the camera, I appreciate the job that photographers do. I don't plan on doing that professionally for families anytime soon. Overall, memories were made and we now have some great pictures that we can cherish for years ahead.

Looking back at last week:

  • I made a couple of agreements with clients to work on some upcoming social media projects.

  • I completed and published the Green River Country Club promotional video which now has over 4,500 views on Facebook (all organic, we did not pay the boost the reach). You can view that video here.

  • Worked on getting a couple of websites published. I thought both would be live last week, but because of circumstances beyond my control, I'm definitely shooting for the beginning of this week. One positive about the delay is I have learned a lot on the behind scenes portion (not the design side) of websites.

  • Spent some time getting work done for the Chamber of Commerce.

  • Helped out with a Benefit my wife was involved in last Saturday. I have to give a lot of credit to my wife, Terri, and a crew of other ladies that selflessly spent a lot of hours planning this Benefit. It was very successful for the Monier family. All the hard work paid off.

Looking ahead, this week is going to be extremely busy. I have a lot scheduled already, which is a great thing. Also, one of my favorite times of the year, Walnut Days Celebration, is this upcoming weekend. Hard to believe how fast this summer is going.

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