How My Side Hustle Became My Full-Time Job

On Saturday, I posted an article from CNN that stated more than 44 million people have a side hustle. If you don't know what a side hustle is, it is simply a way to make extra cash while keeping a full-time job. For most people, a side hustle is something that an individual is pursuing that is a true passion.
Some are content with a side hustle staying a side hustle. They enjoy pursuing something on the side while enjoying the benefits of a full-time job. For others, it's a dream for their side hustle to produce an eventual full-time salary.
For me, I always wanted the second option. Five years ago when I was trying to pursue my passion I was never confident that I could handle my own business. It was a dream, of course, but it didn't seem like a reality even if I wanted it to be.
In the past year, things really changed. Different mentors came into my life. More opportunities presented themselves. Confidence grew.
I had studied Digital Marketing for several years. I felt it was time to take the risk. I was going to try to build a business on the side with hopes of going full-time. I talked to people I had built relationships with over the past few years. Some were not interested, some were. I expected that.
Now, I have to be honest with you. Side hustles take dedication. It means time away from your family and late nights. In my case, very late nights. For me it meant getting up to go to your full-time job when you can't stop thinking about your side hustle. Ideas are constantly flowing. It's an exciting time, but an exhausting time.
Fortunately, the interest in my business grew. I was able lock up some important contracts with clients to the point where I simply didn't have the time to balance a full-time job, a part-time job with the Chamber, and my side hustle. Let alone spending time with family and friends.
It was time to take the risk. At my age of 35, I felt this was the right time. My confidence reached the point that I could pursue this. Let me make one very important point. In my opinion, you have be very passionate about your side hustle to make it work. You have to believe what you are selling. You have to be all-in.
On June 1st, I started Jamison Media Services full-time. In my professional career, I can't think of a more exciting time. I get to be creative everyday. Was it an easy decision to go full-time? Yes and no. Yes, because I knew it was the right thing to do. Through prayer I was at peace with the decision. No, because it's not easy leaving a comfortable job with benefits and a salary that pays the bills every month.
Let me encourage you with this. If you've thought about pursuing your own business or side hustle, the hardest part is making that initial decision to do it. For five years, I had ideas that I never pursued. I always had ideas. It's actually acting on those ideas that will change your life.
Contact me anytime at if you have any questions about starting your own business. I'm not an expert by any means, but I can give advice.